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How We Give Back

Our Projects

At Josan New York, it’s important to us to regularly give back to the global community. We only support small charities where we - and you! - can see exactly what happens with our donations. Vietnam Relief Service is an amazing family-operated charity that organizes projects to better the lives of young children in remote parts of Vietnam. Our latest collaboration with VRS is featured below!


Our most recent project was the construction of a swimming pool and deck. Behind each project that we help with, there is a desire to give something called sohwakhaeng, which is Korean for "small but certain happiness." When we work on projects such as swimming pools, basketball courts, and playgrounds, we feel great knowing that we are creating moments of sohwakhaeng for children who may not otherwise have them.

How We Inspire Others

We talk about VRS on the back of our earring cards. It’s a great way to simultaneously engage your customers and promote a good cause. When you order from us, we will give you postcards and business cards with photos and information about the VRS – Josan partnership.

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Josän New York • P.O. Box 278 • Wurtsboro, NY 12790
☏  845 - 733 - 0828
© Josän New York LLC 2024
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